After editing Discovery.xml located in C:\dspace-4.2-release\dspace\config\spring\api to add facet, which messages.xml should be edited to add a key,
<message key="xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.SimpleSearch.filter.type">Type</message
because I realized there are 10 messages.xml files in C:\dspace-4.2-release folder. Does anyone know which messages.xml should I add the key? This is for XMLUI Interface.
Given the following facet
<bean id="searchFilterCourse"
<property name="indexFieldName" value="course"/>
Here is the pattern that I follow for providing message text for the facet.
<message key="xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.AdvancedSearch.type_course">Course</message>
<message key="xmlui.Discovery.AbstractSearch.type_course">Course</message>
<message key="xmlui.ArtifactBrowser.SimpleSearch.filter.course">Course</message>
This is the file you need to edit:
This is where you should store & manage it in your src tree:
After editing, rebuild with mvn and redeploy.