There is an old VB application running at one of my clients. An exception is throws in this peice of code:
sSql="SELECT * FROM Arh_Naroc WHERE StNarocila = '" & isci & "'"
Call rs.Open(sSql,cn)
The exception happens in rs.Open()
function. "Error number 440 occured."
This are SBL scripts for KOFAX engine and it's many years old. The whole SW was transferred from old XP computer to Windows 7 and looks like there are problems everywhere.
Can some one help me determine what is the problem here. At least if I could get a proper error message back in msgbox would be most helpful.
EDIT: This is the connection string function.
Function GetIndexDatabaseConnectionString
Dim objXmlDocument As Object
Dim objXmlGlobalSettingsFileParh As Object
Dim objXmlIndexDatabaseConnectionString As Object
Dim strGlobalSettingsFilePath As String
Dim strTemp As String
Const strSettingsFilePath = "C:\Data\LocalDocsDistibutingSystem\Settings.xml"
Set objXmlDocument = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
objXmlDocument.Load strSettingsFilePath
Set objXmlGlobalSettingsFileParh = objXmlDocument.selectSingleNode("DocsDistributingSystem/GlobalSettingsFilePath")
strGlobalSettingsFilePath = objXmlGlobalSettingsFileParh.childNodes(0).Text
Set objXmlGlobalSettingsFileParh = Nothing
Set objXmlDocument = Nothing
Set objXmlDocument = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
objXmlDocument.Load strGlobalSettingsFilePath
Set objXmlIndexDatabaseConnectionString = objXmlDocument.selectSingleNode("DocsDistibutingSystem/AscentCapture/IndexDatabase/ConnectionString")
strTemp = objXmlIndexDatabaseConnectionString.childNodes(0).Text
Set objXmlIndexDatabaseConnectionString = Nothing
Set objXmlDocument = Nothing
GetIndexDatabaseConnectionString = strTemp
End Function
This is the relevant line from Settings.xml:
<ConnectionString> Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=LINO2;User Id=****;Password=****;OLEDB.NET=True; </ConnectionString>
The real data is masked with *. The connection to Oracle appears to be ok. I created ODBC and linked server to sql using the provider and connection data. It works. It must be something missing installed on the computer for ADODB to work...
The connection appears to be working OK. There is no error when its initialized. The error happens in Call rs.Open(sSql, cn). All i want is the detailed error message when the error happens... Many thanks.