after progress on the question how to create multicast groups, I found making rooms a great way to do what I needed.
However, it would be great to know about all the rooms, without an extra data-structure.
Is it possible to get a list of all rooms on the server from the server socket?
The short answer:
I analysed io
I got the following output:
{ server:
{ stack:
[ [Object],
[Object] ],
connections: 3,
allowHalfOpen: true,
watcher: { host: [Circular], callback: [Function] },
{ request: [Function],
connection: [Function: connectionListener],
listening: [Object],
upgrade: [Object] },
httpAllowHalfOpen: false,
cache: {},
settings: { home: '/', env: 'development', hints: true },
redirects: {},
isCallbacks: {},
_locals: { settings: [Object], app: [Circular] },
dynamicViewHelpers: {},
errorHandlers: [],
route: '/',
{ app: [Circular],
routes: [Object],
params: {},
_params: [],
middleware: [Function] },
router: [Getter],
__usedRouter: true,
type: 'tcp4',
fd: 7 },
{ '':
{ manager: [Circular],
name: '',
sockets: [Object],
auth: false,
flags: [Object],
_events: [Object] } },
{ manager: [Circular],
name: '',
sockets: { '210837319844898486': [Object] },
auth: false,
flags: { endpoint: '', exceptions: [] },
_events: { connection: [Function] } },
{ origins: '*:*',
log: true,
{ options: undefined,
clients: [Object],
manager: [Circular] },
logger: { colors: true, level: 1 },
heartbeats: true,
resource: '/',
[ 'websocket',
'jsonp-polling' ],
authorization: [Function],
'log level': 1,
'close timeout': 25,
'heartbeat timeout': 15,
'heartbeat interval': 20,
'polling duration': 20,
'flash policy server': true,
'flash policy port': 843,
'destroy upgrade': true,
'browser client': true,
'browser client minification': false,
'browser client etag': false,
'browser client handler': false,
'client store expiration': 15 },
{ '210837319844898486':
{ headers: [Object],
address: [Object],
time: 'Mon Jul 18 2011 00:53:27 GMT+0200 (CEST)',
xdomain: false,
secure: undefined,
PHPSESSID: '7qo6cht3q0rskhfes4eesb2d05' } },
connected: { '210837319844898486': true },
open: { '210837319844898486': true },
closed: {},
closedA: [],
{ '': [ '210837319844898486' ],
'/public-alfred': [ '210837319844898486' ] },
roomClients: { '210837319844898486': [ '': true, '/public-alfred': true ] },
oldListeners: [ [Function] ],
{ 'set:origins': [Function],
'set:flash policy port': [Function],
'set:transports': [Function] } }
after joining room "public-alfred" from a single client io.sockets.adapter.rooms
{ '': [ '210837319844898486' ],
'/public-alfred': [ '210837319844898486' ] }
In a new version of (1.x), io.sockets.manager.rooms
will cause an error. You should use io.sockets.adapter.rooms
As everyone said, in a new version of (1.x) the rooms can be found at:
This will return something like:
'qNADgg3CCxESDLm5AAAA': [ 'qNADgg3CCxESDLm5AAAA': true ],
'myRoom': [ 'qNADgg3CCxESDLm5AAAA': true,
'0rCX3v4pufWvQ6uwAAAB': true,
'iH0wJHGh-qKPRd2RAAAC': true ],
'0rCX3v4pufWvQ6uwAAAB': [ '0rCX3v4pufWvQ6uwAAAB': true ],
'iH0wJHGh-qKPRd2RAAAC': [ 'iH0wJHGh-qKPRd2RAAAC': true ]
The only room that I want to get is 'myRoom', so I wrote the following function for doing that:
function findRooms() {
var availableRooms = [];
var rooms = io.sockets.adapter.rooms;
if (rooms) {
for (var room in rooms) {
if (!rooms[room].hasOwnProperty(room)) {
return availableRooms;
This was kind of confusing for me, hope this helps!
in case you are using 2.1.0
and chanced upon this.
in 2.1.0, all the rooms in the server are located in the variable io.sockets.adapter.rooms
//Use Example//
sockets.on('getRooms', function() {
sockets.emit('rooms', io.sockets.adapter.rooms);
You will get the following results.
{ xqfGuWYkKzT9hGgGAAAB: Room { sockets: { xqfGuWYkKzT9hGgGAAAB: true
}, length: 1 }, '0Ak9nTjme7bLsD8NAAAC': Room { sockets: {
'0Ak9nTjme7bLsD8NAAAC': true }, length: 1 } }
If io.sockets.adapter
is undefined
I'm using 1.7.1 (Server).
It seems io.of("......").sockets.adapter
is undefined
on that version of
. So I used io.adapter.rooms
instead and it works.
I was able to find them using socket._events on an open connection.
io.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){
socket.on('ping', function(data){
ping: [Function],
disconnect: [Function]
I don't have enough reputation to post my comment to the original question, but in addition, if you want to list all the rooms in a namespace, it should be coded like this:
var nsp = io.of('/my-nsp');
var rooms = nsp.adapter.rooms;
This would help so that if a client join a room by:
You should be able to see your room name when you do console.log(rooms);
I just want to answer an unanswered comment above as I ran into the same issue after I saw mismatched room names.
use this to get all rooms.