I'm having an issue understanding how Polymer 1.0 handles declared properties, specifically those with the type="object". In order to figure this out I am trying to create a simple element to select a material type and display things about it.
Here is what my element looks like so far
<dom-module id="mat-panel">
:host {
background: blue;
<iron-selector attr-for-selected="name" selected="{{material}}">
<div name="polyester">Polyester</div>
<div name="nylon">Nylon</div>
<div name="polypropylene">Polypropylene</div>
<div name="kevlar">Kevlar</div>
(function() {
is: 'mat-panel',
properties: {
material: {
type: Object,
notify: true;
kevlar: {
color: 'red'
price: 1.25
nylon: {
color: 'black'
price: 2.50
polypropylene: {
color: 'green'
price: 3.15
polyester: {
color: 'purple'
price: 4.25
Iron-selector should allow the user to select a material and then display the material name in the h1, and the color and prices in the li's.
So the two things I need to know are:
- Is my material object formatted correctly? If not how should it look? ( I know it isn't because of console errors being thrown for the "{" after "value:")
- Are my bindings set correctly? If not how should it be set up?