foreign key query play! framework 2.+ ebean

2019-07-21 21:29发布


I'm new to play framework and the Ebean ORM.

Basically, I have two models one is a RegUsers the other is RegIds. In my registration Ids I put a many to one relationship on the Field RegUsers. Stating, if I'm not mistaken that one user can have many registration ids.

RegId model:

public class RegId extends Model{
    public static Finder<Long,RegId> finder = new Finder<Long,RegId>(Long.class, RegId.class);

    public Long id;

    public RegUsers regUsers;

    public String regId;

RegUser model:

public class RegUsers extends Model{

    public static Finder<Long,RegUsers> find = new Finder<Long,RegUsers>(Long.class, RegUsers.class);

    public Long id;

    public String email;
    public String name;

A RegId must have a RegUser, but a RegUser does not need to have a RegId. For one of my views I'm trying to show all RegUsers who do have an RegId only once, but cannot figure out how to do this.

I got close with querying the RegId table like so:

List<RegId> reg = RegId.finder.where().findList();

And then querying the by:

@(regs: List[RegId])

@for(reg <- regs){

But I can't figure out how to only show distinct records. Is there a way to do this using Ebean or will I need to writ raw sql? I would appreciate any help.


if you add a regIds field to your RegUsers definition like this:

public class RegUsers extends Model{

    public static Finder<Long,RegUsers> find = new Finder<Long,RegUsers>(Long.class, RegUsers.class);

    public Long id;

    public String email;
    public String name;

    public Set<RegId> regIds;

you can query for RegUsers that have at least one RegId like this:


if you want to find RegUsers with exactly one RegId then you need to write custom sql indeed.