
AutoComplete-devbridge: update params on change fr

2019-07-21 21:20发布


I'm currently using this plugin:


What I want is that when I selected an option from the name text field I can get that value and put it as a parameter on the address text field where the options in the address field is limited only where name exist in that address.

And same goes when I selected an option from the address field the options in the name field is limited only to names of persons who lives on that address.

Here's my code:

    var name = '';
    var add = '';

    $('#name').change(function() {
        name = $('#name').val();

    $('#add').change(function() {
        add = $('#add').val();

        serviceUrl: 'search/name',
        minChar: 2,
        params: {add: add},
        onSelect : function(suggestion) {

        serviceUrl: 'search/address',
        minChar: 2,
        params: {name: name},
        onSelect : function(suggestion) {

I don't know why it's not working, did I do it right or am I doing it all wrong? Please help!

Has anyone else had this problem or know of a solution?


Because your variables are strings, they are passed as values and not a reference. When data in the "#add" changes you need to update parameters on "#name" input autocomplete instance:

$('#add').change(function() {
    var add = $('#add').val();
        params: { add: add }


although this is few year back question, I came across this issue so I post my solution here to help out anyone that might need this for Devbridge additional params

    serviceUrl: "search/name",
    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    paramName: "name",
    params: {
        middle: function(){
            return $("#middle").val();
        last: function(){
            return $("#last").val();
        //no value return for using last:$("#last").val()
    minChars: 3,
    showNoSuggestionNotice: true,
    noSuggestionNotice: "No results found",
    transformResult: function(response) {
        if (response){
            return {
                suggestions: $.map(response.results, function(dataItem) {
                    return { value: dataItem.name.trim(), data: dataItem.id, object: dataItem };
            return {
                suggestions: []
    onSelect: function(suggestion){
        //suggestion.object contain all values pass thru, no need to call again