JAVA extended ASCII table usage

2019-07-21 20:03发布


in my app I need to get character from extended ASCII table that is shown on the image. But when I cast decimal values into char, I get different characters. What is the real value of these characters in JAVA. I dont write the character on console or in a file, just into the image.

private void generateAsciiMatrix()
    //32 - 255 are visible characters in ascii table
    for(int i = 32; i < 256; i++)

private void generateAsciiMatrix(char letter)
    EBufferedImage character = new EBufferedImage(
            ImageClass.charToImage(letter, width, height));
    //...some code

public static BufferedImage charToImage(char c, int width, int height)
    BufferedImage off_Image = new BufferedImage(width, height,

    Graphics2D g2 = off_Image.createGraphics();
    g2.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);  
    g2.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12)); 
    g2.drawString(Character.toString(c), 0, height);
    saveImage(off_Image, "code" + (int)c);
    return off_Image;

Thank you for your help, and sorry for my poor English :-)


My solution for this problem is that I manualy created a char array with those characters I needed


Put the integer values in a byte array, then you can use CharsetDecoder to convert them into a String using "Cp437".

Just a simple example:

Charset oem = Charset.forName("Cp437");
ByteBuffer b = ByteBuffer.allocate(0xFF - 0x20 - 1);
for (int i = 0x20; i < 0xFF; i++) {
    if (i == 0x7F) {
        // skip DEL

    b.put((byte) i);
CharBuffer c = oem.decode(b);