how to pack jar file without containing depedency

2019-07-21 17:40发布


I want to pack jar file without containing depedency jar libraries using eclipse IDE. I used these steps to pack but the result jar file always contains jar libraries. Some steps I did

Jar file I want to pack is jar library not runable jar file



In eclipse, when you are creating a jar file, select option named 'JAR file' and not 'Runnable JAR'. When you click on next, you will get a list of items which you need to include while creating your jar file with a check box in front of each item. Just don't select the items you don't want to export (in your case dependent libraries).

Hope this helps.


Under Export, click Jar file and not Runnable Jar file


I would use an ant task...

<zip destfile="${backupJar}" update="true" basedir="${basedir}/../../"
        includes="**/*.xml*, **/*.java"

Remember that a jar is really a zip file with a different extension.


EDIT: you specifically asked how to ignore dependencies. This is achieved by using the excludes attribute of the zip task, for example:

    <zip destfile="${backupJar}" update="true" basedir="${remotedir}/../"
        includes="exported/**/*.*, exported/jf123/**/*.*" compress="true"/>