I have the following code in an ftl:
<#macro field label name value="" type="text">
${name!"print if null"}
<div class="field">
<div class="clearfix" id="${name}_field">
<label for="${name}">${label}</label>
<div class="input">
<input type="${type}" id="${name}" name="${name}" value="${value}">
<span class="help-inline"></span>
<span class="help-block"></span>
<@field label="label" name="test" />
And this is printing this:
<div class="field">
<div class="clearfix" id="foo-test_field">
<label for="foo-test">label</label>
<div class="input">
<input type="text" id="foo-test" name="foo-test" value="">
<span class="help-inline"></span>
<span class="help-block"></span>
is the name of my app but can't understand why is it being printed there.. Just used ctrl+f to search for foo-test
and it is nowhere in the ftl or the controller...
Besides this, let's suppose that name
is a variable that has the name of my app.. Then why the second print just prints the right value that i passed to my macro?? This is really strange...
I use Maven and spark so I have this dependency:
The plugins are this:
And my controller looks like this:
import spark.ModelAndView;
import spark.Spark;
import spark.template.freemarker.FreeMarkerEngine;
Spark.get("/foo", (request, response) -> {
Map<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<>();
return new ModelAndView(attributes, "test.ftl");
}, new FreeMarkerEngine());