I'm writing a library for working with graphs.
The primary task - parsing xml-tree.
The tree looks like
<graph nodes=4 arcs=5>
<node id=1 />
<node id=2 />
<node id=3 />
<node id=4 />
<arc from=1 to=2 />
<arc from=1 to=3 />
<arc from=1 to=4 />
<arc from=2 to=4 />
<arc from=3 to=4 />
Structure for storing:
type Id = Int
data Node = Node Id deriving (Show)
data Arc = Arc Id Id deriving (Show)
data Graph = Graph { nodes :: [Node],
arcs :: [Arc]}
How to write data from the xml file into this structure?
I can not write a parser for xml tree of this kind (HXT library)
Assuming that you convert that into proper XML (surround all the attribute values with quotes), the following code will work (using xml-enumerator):
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Text.XML.Enumerator.Parse
import Control.Monad
import Data.Text (unpack)
import Control.Applicative
type Id = Int
data Node = Node Id deriving (Show)
data Arc = Arc Id Id deriving (Show)
data Graph = Graph { nodes :: [Node],
arcs :: [Arc]}
deriving Show
main = parseFile_ "graph.xml" decodeEntities $ force "graph required" parseGraph
parseGraph = tagName "graph" getCounts $ \(nodeCount, arcCount) -> do
nodes <- replicateM nodeCount parseNode
arcs <- replicateM arcCount parseArc
return $ Graph nodes arcs
requireNum name = do
x <- requireAttr name
case reads $ unpack x of
(i, _):_ -> return i
_ -> fail $ "Invalid integer: " ++ unpack x
getCounts = do
n <- requireNum "nodes"
a <- requireNum "arcs"
return (n, a)
parseNode = force "node required" $ tagName "node"
(Node <$> requireNum "id") return
parseArc = force "arc required" $ tagName "arc"
(Arc <$> requireNum "from" <*> requireNum "to") return
Graph {nodes = [Node 1,Node 2,Node 3,Node 4], arcs = [Arc 1 2,Arc 1 3,Arc 1 4,Arc 2 4,Arc 3 4]}
Do you need to use an XML library? The 'tagsoup' library might be just as effective for not-really-xml like this:
import Text.HTML.TagSoup
import Data.Maybe
main = do
s <- readFile "A.dat"
-- get a list of nodes and arcs
let g' = catMaybes
[ case n of
TagOpen "node" [(_,n)] -> Just (Left $ Node (read n))
TagOpen "arc" [(_,n), (_,m)] -> Just (Right $ Arc (read n) (read m))
_ -> Nothing
| n <- parseTags s ]
-- collapse them into a graph
let g = foldr (\n g -> case n of
Left n -> g { nodes = n : nodes g }
Right a -> g { arcs = a : arcs g }
) (Graph [] []) g'
print g
Running this:
> main
Graph {nodes = [Node 1,Node 2,Node 3,Node 4], arcs = [Arc 1 2,Arc 1 3,Arc 1 4,Arc 2 4,Arc 3 4]}