check all files in fileset contain a string in ant

2019-07-21 16:22发布


Can anyone provide an example of an ant build which checks if all files found by a fileset contain some token and do not contain some other token?

(google has not been very useful with this, so here I am...)


I think this can be done using ant's resourcecontains condition, but I'm not sure it accept multiple resources (see the docs for details). However, it can be done using resourcecount contition:

<project name="Test" default="main" basedir=".">

  <patternset id="filestotest">
    <include name="*.c"/>

  <target name="main">
    <condition property="contain">
      <resourcecount when="greater" count="0">
        <fileset dir=".">
          <patternset refid="filestotest"/>
          <contains text="main" casesensitive="yes"/>
    <condition property="donotcontain">
      <isfalse value="${contain}"/>
    <echo message="${contain}"/>
    <echo message="${donotcontain}"/>

You can use <resourcecount when="equal" count="0"> to test for the opposite condition for another token.

标签: ant