When an OAuth 2.0 provider issues a token, is that token value forever unique to the provider? Or is it possible that sometime in the future, presumably after the token expires, another token, potentially for a different user, could be issued with the same value? In searching I found much information about tokens expiring, but no details about if that token value could potentially be re-used in the future.
There's nothing in the core OAuth 2 spec that guarantees this. It is implementation specific if there is a chance of collision or not. You should find out from your OAuth AS provider what the likelihood is. But agreed with Artem - this sounds odd if you are trying to uniquely identify users based on what is suppose to be just an API (access) token.
If you use something like UUID - it's time dependent and unique - so you should NOT make them reusable. Taking in account that you'll generate tokens in different instants of time - they all will be different.