I'm trying to call an external .dll function from c#. The doc for the dll defines the function:
int funcName(int *retVal)
I've tried various configurations and always the unbalanced stack error from p/invoke; My c# code currently looks like this:
unsafe static extern int funcName(ref IntPtr retVal);
unsafe IntPtr retNum;
int status = funcName(ref retNum);
Any ideas are appreciated!
Your p/invoke declaration has the wrong parameter type.
static extern int funcName(ref Int32 retVal);
Also make sure that the calling convention matches. You should never use a dllexport in C or C++ without also using an explicit calling convention, and then the C# DllImport needs to have the matching convention.
Generally the prototype in C++ should be
extern "C" int __stdcall funcName(int* arg);
Is there a header file provided for C and C++ clients that you could check to verify the signature?