I'm not able to use the function of a dll developed in delphi. I'm having some difficulties with the conversions of types.
This is the function I want to call the DLL:
function rData(ID: Cardinal; queue: WideString): WideString; stdcall;
My code in C++ was so:
typedef string (*ReturnDataSPL)(DWORD, string);
string result;
hLib = LoadLibrary("delphi.dll");
pReturnDataSPL = (ReturnDataSPL)GetProcAddress(hLib,"rData");
if (NULL != pReturnDataSPL)
result = pReturnDataSPL(JobID,printerName);
The problem I'm not able to make it work. I do not know which type is compatible with Delphi WideString and Cardinal.
Someone help me
This is the function I want to call the DLL:
procedure rData(ID: Cardinal; queue: WideString; var Result: WideString); stdcall;
After changing the code looked like this:
typedef void (__stdcall *ReturnDataSPL)(DWORD, BSTR, BSTR&); HMODULE hLib; BSTR result = NULL; hLib = LoadLibrary("delphi.dll"); pReturnDataSPL = (ReturnDataSPL)GetProcAddress(hLib,"rData"); if (NULL != pReturnDataSPL) { pReturnDataSPL(JobID,(BSTR)"Lexmark X656de (MS) (Copiar 2)",result); }