How do you convert a number to a string showing dollars and cents?
123.45 => '$123.45'
123.456 => '$123.46'
123 => '$123.00'
.13 => '$0.13'
.1 => '$0.10'
0 => '$0.00'
How do you convert a number to a string showing dollars and cents?
123.45 => '$123.45'
123.456 => '$123.46'
123 => '$123.00'
.13 => '$0.13'
.1 => '$0.10'
0 => '$0.00'
PHP also has money_format().
Here's an example:
echo money_format('$%i', 3.4); // echos '$3.40'
This function actually has tons of options, go to the documentation I linked to to see them.
Note: money_format is undefined in Windows.
If you just want something simple:
'$' . number_format($money, 2);
i tried money_format()
but it didn't work for me at all. then i tried the following one. it worked perfect for me. hopefully it will work in right way for you too.. :)
you should use this one
number_format($money, 2,'.', ',')
it will show money number in terms of money format up to 2 decimal.
In PHP and C++ you can use the printf() function
printf("$%01.2f", $money);
In php.ini add this (if it is missing):
Then do this:
$amount = 123.456;
// for Canadian Dollars
$currency = 'CAD';
// for Canadian English
$locale = 'en_CA';
$fmt = new \NumberFormatter( $locale, \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY );
echo $fmt->formatCurrency($amount, $currency);