I am trying to validation my site with w3c but i am getting error:
Bad value original-source for attribute rel on element link:
The string original-source is not a registered keyword.
<link rel="original-source" href="http://themarketmogul.com/" />
Can any one suggest me what i can do for this error.
The rel
attribute specifies type of the link. There are limited set of values this attribute (the type) accepts. Specification defines them in section 4.8.4 Link types:
- alternate - Gives alternate representations of the current document.
- author - Gives a link to the author of the current document or article.
- bookmark - Gives the permalink for the nearest ancestor section.
This list also includes probably the best known stylesheet
type for importing CSS stylesheets. But there are
no "original-source" type. Hence, the validation error you get.
In your case you probably looking for the meta
tag with the name "original-source" (see codyogden's answer).
You may be looking for the meta
tag that allows you to specify an original source. A link
is not the correct tag to use for this purpose.
<meta name=”original-source” content=”http://www.somedomain.com/article1.html”>