Microsoft Azure and SAS for PHP

2019-07-21 07:53发布


i trying to create SAS link to blob resource using PHP. Unfortunately currently in azure SDK there is no method for creating SAS signature. I wrote a code for generating SAS but when i'm trying to get a resource by the link generated by this method i'm getting this message: Signature fields not well formed.

    public function getSharedAccessSignatureURL($container, $blob)
    $signedStart = date('c', strtotime('-1 day'));
    $signedExpiry = date('c', strtotime('+1 day'));
    $signedResource = 'b';
    $signedPermission = 'r';
    $signedIdentifier = '';
    $responseContent = "file; attachment";
    $responseType = "binary";

    $canonicalizedResource = '/'.$this->account['accountName'].'/'.$container.'/'.$blob;
    $signedVersion = '2014-02-14';

    $stringToSign =

    $signature = base64_encode(

    $arrayToUrl = [

    $url =  'https://'.$this->account['accountName'].''.'/'
        .$blob.'?'.implode('&', $arrayToUrl);

    return $url;

Any suggest what i am doing wrong? I am commpletle newbie at Microsoft Azure


I believe there's an issue with your $stringToSign variable. Based on the documentation here:, your string to sign should be constructed like the following:

StringToSign = signedpermissions + "\n"
               signedstart + "\n"
               signedexpiry + "\n"
               canonicalizedresource + "\n"
               signedidentifier + "\n"
               signedversion + "\n"
               rscc + "\n"
               rscd + "\n"
               rsce + "\n"
               rscl + "\n"

considering you're including rscd and rsct in your SAS querystring. Please try the following and see if that makes the difference:

    $stringToSign =


Please try the code below. Replace the account name/key, container name and blob name with appropriate values:

$signedStart = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime('-1 day'));
echo $signedStart."\n";
$signedExpiry = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', strtotime('+1 day'));
echo $signedExpiry."\n";
$signedResource = 'b';
$signedPermission = 'r';
$signedIdentifier = '';
$accountName = "[account name]";
$accountKey = "[account key]";
$container = "[container name]";
$blob = "[blob name]";
$canonicalizedResource = '/'.$accountName.'/'.$container.'/'.$blob;
$signedVersion = '2014-02-14';  
echo $canonicalizedResource."\n";
$rscc = '';
$rscd = 'file; attachment';//Content disposition
$rsce = '';
$rscl = '';
$rsct = 'binary';//Content type
$stringToSign = 

echo $stringToSign."\n";

$signature = base64_encode(

echo $signature."\n";

$arrayToUrl = [

    $url =  'https://'.$accountName.''.'/'
        .$blob.'?'.implode('&', $arrayToUrl);

echo $url."\n";

Essentially there were two issues (apart from incorrect $stringToSign variable):

  1. Start/End date time were not properly formatted.
  2. We would need to base64_decode the account key for calculating signature.


I run into exactly the same problem. But now you can use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\SharedAccessSignatureHelper which can handle a lot of problems for you. I has been added to the common libary 2 years ago in this PR (

And it should be solved very simple like this:

$sasHelper = new SharedAccessSignatureHelper(

$sas = $sasHelper->generateAccountSharedAccessSignatureToken(
    (new \DateTime())->modify('+10 minute'),
    (new \DateTime())->modify('-5 minute'),

$connectionString = "BlobEndpoint=;SharedAccessSignature={$sas}";

And you got your connection string!