I've been working on an app that can provide Color Replacement, and had a lot of help from @Jet Chopper on a solution. He's provided me the following code which essentially uses a ControlSpectrum control for Source and Target colors. The idea is you specify a Source Color which then gets replaced by a Target color. Here's the current working code:
This is my original post that contains the original solution with a GIF. Original Post
<xaml:CanvasAnimatedControl x:Name="AnimatedControl"
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Bottom">
<TextBlock Text="Source Color" FontSize="32" Foreground="White" TextAlignment="Center"/>
<ColorSpectrum Width="256" Height="256" ColorChanged="SourceColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged"/>
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Bottom">
<TextBlock Text="Replace Color" FontSize="32" Foreground="White" TextAlignment="Center"/>
<ColorSpectrum Width="256" Height="256" ColorChanged="TargetColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged"/>
<Slider Width="512" ValueChanged="RangeBase_OnValueChanged" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
private PixelShaderEffect _textureShader;
private GaussianBlurEffect _blur;
private BlendEffect _blend;
private void AnimatedControl_OnCreateResources(CanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasCreateResourcesEventArgs args)
private async Task CreateResourcesAsync(CanvasAnimatedControl sender)
var file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Shaders/TextureTest.bin"));
var buffer = await FileIO.ReadBufferAsync(file);
var sourceImage = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/image.jpg"));
_textureShader = new PixelShaderEffect(buffer.ToArray())
Source1 = sourceImage
_blur = new GaussianBlurEffect
BlurAmount = 4,
Source = _textureShader
_blend = new BlendEffect
Foreground = _blur,
Background = sourceImage,
Mode = BlendEffectMode.Color
private void AnimatedControl_OnDraw(ICanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasAnimatedDrawEventArgs args)
private void RangeBase_OnValueChanged(object sender, RangeBaseValueChangedEventArgs e)
_textureShader.Properties["threshold"] = (float)e.NewValue / 100;
private void SourceColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged(ColorSpectrum sender, ColorChangedEventArgs args)
_textureShader.Properties["sourceColor"] = new Vector3((float)args.NewColor.R / 255, (float)args.NewColor.G / 255, (float)args.NewColor.B / 255);
private void TargetColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged(ColorSpectrum sender, ColorChangedEventArgs args)
_textureShader.Properties["replaceColor"] = new Vector3((float)args.NewColor.R / 255, (float)args.NewColor.G / 255, (float)args.NewColor.B / 255);
#define D2D_INPUT_COUNT 1
#include "d2d1effecthelpers.hlsli"
float3 sourceColor;
float3 replaceColor;
float threshold;
float3 color = D2DGetInput(0).rgb;
if (abs(color.r - sourceColor.r) < threshold && abs(color.g - sourceColor.g) < threshold && abs(color.b - sourceColor.b) < threshold)
float3 newColor = color - sourceColor + replaceColor;
return float4(newColor.r, newColor.g, newColor.b, 1);
return float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
So my next step was to take this solution one step forward and introduce more that one color replacement simulataneously. So I changed everything to support 2 colors as such:
<xaml:CanvasAnimatedControl x:Name="AnimatedControl"
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Left" VerticalAlignment="Bottom">
<TextBlock Text="Source Color" FontSize="32" Foreground="White" TextAlignment="Center"/>
<ColorSpectrum Width="256" Height="256" ColorChanged="SourceColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged"/>
<ColorSpectrum Width="256" Height="256" ColorChanged="SourceColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged2"/>
<StackPanel HorizontalAlignment="Right" VerticalAlignment="Bottom">
<TextBlock Text="Replace Color" FontSize="32" Foreground="White" TextAlignment="Center"/>
<ColorSpectrum Width="256" Height="256" ColorChanged="TargetColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged"/>
<ColorSpectrum Width="256" Height="256" ColorChanged="TargetColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged2"/>
<Slider Width="512" ValueChanged="RangeBase_OnValueChanged" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>
private PixelShaderEffect _textureShader;
private GaussianBlurEffect _blur;
private BlendEffect _blend;
private void AnimatedControl_OnCreateResources(CanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasCreateResourcesEventArgs args)
private async Task CreateResourcesAsync(CanvasAnimatedControl sender)
var file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/Shaders/TextureTest.bin"));
var buffer = await FileIO.ReadBufferAsync(file);
var sourceImage = await CanvasBitmap.LoadAsync(sender, new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/image.jpg"));
_textureShader = new PixelShaderEffect(buffer.ToArray())
Source1 = sourceImage,
Source2 = sourceImage
_blur = new GaussianBlurEffect
BlurAmount = 4,
Source = _textureShader
_blend = new BlendEffect
Foreground = _blur,
Background = sourceImage,
Mode = BlendEffectMode.Color
private void AnimatedControl_OnDraw(ICanvasAnimatedControl sender, CanvasAnimatedDrawEventArgs args)
private void RangeBase_OnValueChanged(object sender, RangeBaseValueChangedEventArgs e)
_textureShader.Properties["threshold"] = (float)e.NewValue / 100;
private void SourceColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged(ColorSpectrum sender, ColorChangedEventArgs args)
_textureShader.Properties["sourceColor"] = new Vector3((float)args.NewColor.R / 255, (float)args.NewColor.G / 255, (float)args.NewColor.B / 255);
private void TargetColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged(ColorSpectrum sender, ColorChangedEventArgs args)
_textureShader.Properties["replaceColor"] = new Vector3((float)args.NewColor.R / 255, (float)args.NewColor.G / 255, (float)args.NewColor.B / 255);
private void SourceColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged2(ColorSpectrum sender, ColorChangedEventArgs args)
_textureShader.Properties["sourceColor2"] = new Vector3((float)args.NewColor.R / 255, (float)args.NewColor.G / 255, (float)args.NewColor.B / 255);
private void TargetColorSpectrum_OnColorChanged2(ColorSpectrum sender, ColorChangedEventArgs args)
_textureShader.Properties["replaceColor2"] = new Vector3((float)args.NewColor.R / 255, (float)args.NewColor.G / 255, (float)args.NewColor.B / 255);
#define D2D_INPUT_COUNT 2
#include "d2d1effecthelpers.hlsli"
float3 sourceColor;
float3 replaceColor;
float3 sourceColor2;
float3 replaceColor2;
float threshold;
float3 color1 = D2DGetInput(0).rgb;
float3 color2 = D2DGetInput(1).rgb;
float4 result1;
float4 result2;
if (abs(color1.r - sourceColor.r) < threshold &&
abs(color1.g - sourceColor.g) < threshold &&
abs(color1.b - sourceColor.b) < threshold)
float3 newColor = color1 - sourceColor + replaceColor;
result1 = float4(newColor.r, newColor.g, newColor.b, 1);
result1 = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (abs(color2.r - sourceColor2.r) < threshold &&
abs(color2.g - sourceColor2.g) < threshold &&
abs(color2.b - sourceColor2.b) < threshold)
float3 newColor = color2 - sourceColor2 + replaceColor2;
result2 = float4(newColor.r, newColor.g, newColor.b, 1);
result2 = float4(0, 0, 0, 0);
return result1 * result2;
So essentially I just doubled everything, in the XAML, the code, and the Pixel Shader. But for the Pixel Shader, I'm not sure if my return value is correct by multiplying both results. Am I on the right track for the ability to replace more than one color at once ?