I have this function wich will translate strings and phrases for other functions and should return an array with the translated parts. When I try to call the function in another function and captcher the returned value, I keep recieving the message that the returned value is undefined. When I don't let the translate function return a value but make her do an alert with the value she should return .. everything goes well.
So their is something I do what prevents the function translate() to return the value properly or what makes the function picklanguage() not recieve the returned value.
function translate(translateObject)
var translations = new Array();
url: 'http://'+window.location.hostname+'/translate/translate',
content: { str: dojo.toJson(translateObject) },
handleAs: "json",
timeout: 2000,
load: function(response){
dojo.forEach(response.items, function(strg){
var key = strg.string;
translations[strg.string] = strg.translation;
return translations;
error: function(response){
return 'Ben';
function pickLanguage()
var language = translate({title: 'Kies hier je gewenste taal', dutch: 'Nederlands', french: 'French', german: 'Deutch', english: 'English'});
errorDialog = new dijit.Dialog({
content: dump(language),
style: "width: 450px"