I'm trying to setup my development environment on Linux Mint after an unfortunate reinstall of my whole computer due to some windows troubles. For the development of the Java program I use Netbeans. I allready installed all dependencies and external libraries. However when I'm trying to run the program I get the following output:
ant -f /home/***/Documents/ebart/git/projecten/nedap/Next -Dnb.internal.action.name=run run
Deleting: /home/***/Documents/ebart/git/projecten/nedap/Next/build/built-jar.properties
Updating property file: /home/***/Documents/ebart/git/projecten/nedap/Next/build/built-jar.properties
Error: Could not find or load main class library
Java Result: 1
BUILD SUCCESSFUL (total time: 0 seconds)
I already tried to make it work with openJDK, orcacle(normal) JDK, Ubuntu 15.04, Linux Mint, Netbeans 8.0.2, Netbeans 7.0...?1 or 2? but it doesn't make a difference. Also google couldn't provide me with a solution.
The strange thing is that my main class is called "Next" and I'm fairly sure that I selected the right Main Class (com.bata.ebart.next.Next). I suppose it has something to do with that java cannot find its main libraries(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Java_Class_Library) but I'm not sure about that. Also I am not into that and therefore I have no clue what to do.
Does someone know how to solve this issue or help me in the right direction?