Im working on a RAP application that shows both ViewParts and EditorParts. Im trying to find a way to prevent "All" Editor parts from closing. Is there a way to either remove or disable the "X" close button shown on a Editor part?
This is possible through implementing a presentation layer - see and
you can do like this(what I have written is about the same like : In your ApplicationWorkbenchWindowAdvisor class ,you can register your own PresentationFacory like:
public void preWindowOpen() {
IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer configurer = getWindowConfigurer();
configurer.setPresentationFactory(new UnCloseableEditorPresentationFactory());
the class UnCloseableEditorPresentationFactory extends WorkbenchPresentationFactory,you can simply overrid the method
public StackPresentation creatEditorPresentation(Composite parent,IStackPresentationSite site)
as followings :
DefaultTabFolder folder = new UnCloseableEditorFolder(parent,
editorTabPosition | SWT.BORDER,
// other code int this method is the same as the parent class
then is the class UnCloseableFolder
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.defaultpresentation.DefaultTabFolder;
import org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.util.AbstractTabItem;
public class UnCloseableEditorFolder extends DefaultTabFolder {
public UnCloseableEditorFolder(Composite parent, int flags,
boolean allowMin, boolean allowMax) {
super(parent, flags, allowMin, allowMax);
public AbstractTabItem add(int index, int flags) {
return super.add(index, flags ^ SWT.CLOSE);
then you can remove the "X" button in the EditorPart .It works in my machine~~