efficient copy of data from boost::asio::streambuf

2019-07-21 04:02发布


I need to copy the content of a (boost::asio::)streambuf to an std::string.

The following code works, but I think that there's an unnecessary copy between _msg and the temporary std::string:

Msg (boost::asio::streambuf & sb, size_t bytes_transferred) :
    _nBytesInMsg    (bytes_transferred)
    boost::asio::streambuf::const_buffers_type buf = sb.data();

    _msg = std::string(
        boost::asio::buffers_begin(buf) + _nBytesInMsg);

I tried replacing with the following:

        boost::asio::buffers_begin(buf) + _nBytesInMsg,

While this compiles, it doesn't copy anything to the _msg string.

Will the compiler (gcc4.4.7) optimize this case - e.g. copy the streambuf straight to _msg without using a temporary?

Is there perhaps an iterator I can use with boost::asio::streambuf::const_buffers_type in order to make the std::copy work instead?


reserve doesn't mean what you think it means. You can work out for sure what it means by reading its documentation. It is not the same as resize; reserving space does not affect the container's size.

You need to actually insert elements into the string. Do this:

#include <algorithm>    // for copy
#include <iterator>     // for back_inserter

_msg.reserve(_nBytesInMsg);  // about to insert _nBytesInMsg elements

    boost::asio::buffers_begin(buf) + _nBytesInMsg,