I am writting script which limits entered text inside by checking if text fits inside div box which height & width is fixed if not tries to lower font size and then again checks then reached minimum font size it limits text inside textarea. I have accomplished this but it sometimes reaches limit with over height and it do not allow overwrite text then selected.
Here is my script:
function onEdit(e) {
var notebox_tmp = $(".notebox_tmp");
var maxHeight = 120;
var minFontSize = 25;
var currentHeight = notebox_tmp.height();
var currentFontSize = parseInt(notebox_tmp.css("font-size"),10);
while (currentHeight > maxHeight && currentFontSize > minFontSize) {
notebox_tmp.css("font-size", currentFontSize);
currentFontSize -= 0.25;
currentHeight = notebox_tmp.height();
if (currentFontSize <= minFontSize) {
Here is my current script demo: http://jsfiddle.net/6pfCM/9/