In an file, I have the following line which executes a bash script:
$(info $(shell ($(LOCAL_PATH)/
However, if the command fails the build continues rather than quitting.
How do I make the whole build fail in this situation?
Dump stdout
, test the exit status, and error out on failure:
ifneq (0,$(shell >/dev/null command doesnotexist ; echo $$?))
$(error "not good")
Here's what failure looks like:
[user@host]$ make
/bin/sh: doesnotexist: command not found
Makefile:6: *** not good. Stop.
If you want to see stdout
, then you can save it to a variable and test only the lastword
FOOBAR_OUTPUT := $(shell echo "I hope this works" ; command foobar ; echo $$?)
$(info $$(lastword $$(FOOBAR_OUTPUT)) == $(lastword $(FOOBAR_OUTPUT)))
ifneq (0,$(lastword $(FOOBAR_OUTPUT)))
$(error not good)
which gives
$ make
/bin/sh: foobar: command not found
$(FOOBAR_OUTPUT) == I hope this works 127
$(lastword $(FOOBAR_OUTPUT)) == 127
Makefile:12: *** not good. Stop.