I've written a simple linq query as follows:
var query = from c in context.ViewDeliveryClientActualStatus
join b in context.Booking on c.Booking equals b.Id
join bg in context.BookingGoods on c.Booking equals bg.BookingId
select new { c, b, bg };
I have filtered the previous query with a number of premises and then needed to group by a set of fields and get the sum of some of them, as so:
var rows = from a in query
group a by new {h = a.c.BookingRefex, b = a.c.ClientRefex, c = a.b.PickupCity, d = a.b.PickupPostalCode} into g
select new
Booking_refex = g.Key.h,
Client_refex = g.Key.b,
//Local = g.
Sum_Quan = g.Sum(p => p.bg.Quantity),
I'd like to get a few values from a
which I haven't included in the group by clause. How can I get those values? They're not accessible through g