Didn't know how to explain this well, so here is the code
@echo off
set test=0
for /f %%a in (textfile.txt) do (
rem loops five times(5 lines in textfile.txt)
set /a test=test+1
rem Adds 1 to Test
echo %%a
rem Echo's correct line in file
echo %test%
rem Echo's whatever X was before the loop
echo %test%
rem Displays the correct value of X
this is just an example of where I am finding the problem, txtfile.txt has 5 lines, so the for loop goes 5 times, each time, test gets +1 to it, and the /a displays the correct value of X, but the last echo on the for loop displays 0, which is what test is set to before the loop.
The value of test is not changing until the loop is finished... is there any way to fix this?
Here is what I want to accomplish, as there may be an easier way: I want to run a for loop that findstr's all rtf's in a series of sub folders, and copies them all to a all directory with a new name, 1.rtf,2.rtf,3.rtf, etc. The reason I need to rename them on the transfer is they all have the same name.
Lucero is right.
Example code:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set numLines=0
echo examining file '%~f0'
rem loop N times, once for each line in the file
for /f %%a in (%~f0) do (
rem add 1 to the numLines variable
set /a numLines=!numLines!+1
rem echo the first symbol from the line
echo line !numLines!: %%a
rem Display the number of lines in the file
echo The file '%~f0' has %numLines% lines.
You may need to use delayed environment variable expansion. See CMD /? for more help about this:
/V:ON Enable delayed environment
variable expansion using ! as the
delimiter. For example, /V:ON would allow !var! to expand the
variable var at execution time. The var syntax expands
at input time, which is quite a different thing when inside of a FOR
Delayed environment variable expansion
is NOT enabled by default. You can
enable or disable delayed environment
variable expansion for a particular
invocation of CMD.EXE with the /V:ON
or /V:OFF switch. You can enable or
disable delayed expansion for all
invocations of CMD.EXE on a machine
and/or user logon session by setting
either or both of the following
REG_DWORD values in the registry using
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\DelayedExpansion
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\DelayedExpansion
to either 0x1
or 0x0
. The user
specific setting takes precedence over
the machine setting. The command line
switches take precedence over the
registry settings.
If delayed environment variable
expansion is enabled, then the
exclamation character can be used to
substitute the value of an environment
variable at execution time.
Just wanted to add that the key to utilizing delayed expansion is referencing the variable using the !var! syntax versus %var%. Best I can tell in XP delayed expansion is enabled by default, you just have to reference the var using !. That fixed my loop. Found this in the help mentioned by the other posters:
Enable delayed environment variable expansion using ! as the
delimiter. For example, /V:ON would allow !var! to expand the
variable var at execution time. The var syntax expands variables
at input time, which is quite a different thing when inside of a FOR
I overlooked the !! bit at first.