qml desktop components scaling

2019-07-21 01:57发布


I want to create a user interface qtquick2 that can be scaled and includes some desktop components. As mentioned in this blogpost the default rendering for qml/qtquick2 should use distance fields and not native text rendering. I tried to scale qt quick controls. The result is rather disappointing. I was testing on ubuntu 64 and qt-5.1.1. The text on the controls is looking bad but all text in standard qml elements (Text/TextEdit) is looking good when scaled.

This leads me to think that native rendering is the default now for desktop components. Can this be turned of?


Setting render types of Qt Quick Controls will be available in Qt 5.2 using styles, e.g. in TextArea:

TextArea {
    /* ... */
    style: TextAreaStyle {
        renderType: Text.QtRendering

Supported render types are:

  • Text.QtRendering
  • Text.NativeRendering (default)

See TextArea.qml, TextAreaStyle.qml.

For Button and ButtonStyle there is no public interface to set the render type directly in Qt 5.2. But what you can do, is overwrite the label with your own text component:

Button {
    id: theButton
    /* ... */
    style: ButtonStyle {
        label: Item {
        implicitWidth: row.implicitWidth
        implicitHeight: row.implicitHeight

        property var __syspal: SystemPalette {
            colorGroup: theButton.enabled ?
                        SystemPalette.Active : SystemPalette.Disabled

        Row {
            id: row
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            spacing: 2
            Image {
                source: theButton.iconSource
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
            Text {
                renderType: Text.NativeRendering /* Change me */
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                text: theButton.text
                color: __syspal.text

This code is inspired by the default label component of ButtonStyle.qml, modified and untested.


I don't think you can change text rendering in Qt Components since they are explicitly made for the use in desktop applications.

In TextArea for example there is no renderType like in TextEdit.

On the QtDesktopComponents page I another hint:

You have to change QGuiApplication to a QApplication. This is because the components rely on certain widget-specific classes such as QStyle to do native rendering.