r = 569186681850601472
client.update('@ooidesigns work', in_reply_to_tweet_id: r)
I'm trying to reply a tweet using the twitter gem and the Client (Twitter::REST
) class, but only the the message is tweeted and it does not reply the tweet.
Any help is appreciated
Ok, so 569186681850601472 tweet is this, right? It is made by @Ksweeg
user and not by @ooidesigns
. Therefore, in order to reply to this tweet, you should specify @Ksweeg
in your tweet text:
r = 569186681850601472
client.update('@Ksweeg test tweet', in_reply_to_status_id: r)
I believe you are looking to use in_reply_to_status_id
client.update('@ooidesigns work', in_reply_to_status_id: 569186681850601472)