I'm attempting to use OOPFactory to parse 271 files. (source code here: https://x12parser.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest) The part I'm struggling with at the moment is getting benefits information. (I can get subscriber and source information just fine).
I've followed the instructions in this post: (Anyone translate a X12 271 Healthcare response) I can get an EligibilityBenefitDocument with the Subscriber and Source information, but the benefit information on the document winds up being either null, empty, or some other unhelpful value.
I've gone through the raw 271 data and verified that the information I'm looking for is indeed in there. (for reference, I've run multiple files from multiple payers)
I've traced through the both X12SteamReader and the X12Parser while they ran, and verified that the data made it all the way through the parser. It looks like things are working well with the parser. I'm not totally sure on how the EligiblityBenefitDocument is supposed to be generated. It looks like it uses some sort of xslt translation that doesn't seem to be working well for my 271 files. I've applied this tweak to my xslt file (https://x12parser.codeplex.com/workitem/2765) - it cleans up some null values, but still doesn't parse correctly.
What should I be looking at next?
- It's possible that I'm using an unsupported EDI format. I'm not sure how to tell if that's the case
- I've been programming for a long time, but I've never used the XSLT features of .NET Does anyone have any good links on where to get started there?
- A quick solution would be AWESOME if anyone has one.
========= Edit 1:
Here is my code that kicks things off:
Dim ediFileString = path_to_my_file
Dim fstream = New FileStream(ediFileString, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim service = New EligibilityTransformationService()
Dim benefitDoc = service.Transform271ToBenefitResponse(fstream)
Dim responses = benefitDoc.EligibilityBenefitResponses
I'm calling it from VB.NET instead of C#, but given that it all compiles down to MSIL, and that Source, Receiver, and Subscriber properties are all working, I don't think that's a reason why BenefitInfos would fail.
========= Edit 2: including more code in response to a request for more detail of what I'm trying to do
Dim ediFileString = path_to_my_file
Dim fstream = New FileStream(ediFileString, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim service = New EligibilityTransformationService()
Dim benefitDoc = service.Transform271ToBenefitResponse(fstream)
Dim responses = benefitDoc.EligibilityBenefitResponses
Dim strClient = ""
For Each client In benefitDoc.EligibilityBenefitResponses
strClient = "MemberID: " + tidyNull(client.Subscriber.MemberId) + " Transaction Control Number: " + tidyNull(client.TransactionControlNumber) + Constants.vbCrLf
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
strClient += "Member Name: " + tidyNull(client.Subscriber.Name.FirstName) + " " + tidyNull(client.Subscriber.Name.MiddleName) + " " + tidyNull(client.Subscriber.Name.LastName) + Constants.vbCrLf
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
strClient += "Payer Name: " + tidyNull(client.Source.Name.LastName) + Constants.vbCrLf
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
strClient += "Date of Birth: " + tidyNull(client.Subscriber.SerializableDateOfBirth) + Constants.vbCrLf
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
strClient += "Address: " + tidyNull(client.Subscriber.Address.Line1)
strClient += " " + tidyNull(client.Subscriber.Address.Line2) + " " + Constants.vbCrLf
strClient += "Address: " + tidyNull(client.Subscriber.Address.City) + ", " + tidyNull(client.Subscriber.Address.StateCode) + ", " + tidyNull(client.Subscriber.Address.PostalCode) + Constants.vbCrLf
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim results As List(Of EligibilityBenefitInformation)
results = client.BenefitInfos.FindAll(AddressOf searchPlanActive)
If results.Count > 0 Then
strClient += "Active Coverage!" + Constants.vbCrLf
End If
Catch ex As Exception
strClient += "Coverage Type: Couldn't be found"
End Try
For Each benefit In client.BenefitInfos
If benefit.Amount IsNot Nothing Then
strClient &= " Code: " & benefit.Amount
End If
strClient &= " Percentage: " & benefit.Percentage
strClient &= " CoverageLevel: " & benefit.CoverageLevel.Description
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
strClient &= " InPlanNetwork: " & benefit.InPlanNetwork.Description
End Try
strClient &= " PlanCoverageDescription: " & benefit.PlanCoverageDescription
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'strClient &= " Messages: " & benefit.Messages.FindLast()
strClient &= " Amount: " & benefit.Amount.Value
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'strClient &= " Amount: " & benefit.AdditionalInfos
strClient &= Constants.vbCrLf
======= EDIT 3:
I'm attempting to process a 5010 file; OOPFactory says "The built-in specs contain all 4010 standards and some 5010 specifications" https:// x12parser.codeplex.com/ (can't post another working link yet due to lack of reputation points)
======= Edit 4:
The failure seems to be happening in EligibilityTransformationService.cs on line 35. The correct information is making it into the XML, but is not deserializing properly.
var response = EligibilityBenefitDocument.Deserialize(responseXml);
I'm investigating why that might be.
===== Edit 5: In EligiblityTransformationService.cs, starting on line 32, the XML is transformed and then deserialized. The data in question is last seen on line 35 in the responseXml variable, but it never makes it into the response object.
It looks like an issue with the XSLT file.
transform.Transform(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(xml)), new XsltArgumentList(), outputStream);
outputStream.Position = 0;
string responseXml = new StreamReader(outputStream).ReadToEnd();
var response = EligibilityBenefitDocument.Deserialize(responseXml);