I want to retrieve data from multiple tables using dot operator/join where arguments are passed from an HTML/PHP form.
<input name="rollno" type="text" placeholder="Roll Number" required>
<input name="submit_view_details" type="submit" value="Proceed">
$rollno = (int) $_POST['rollno'];
$query = "select * from table1, table2 where table1.{$rollno}=table2.{$rollno}";
In the browser if enter the input 1
and echo this query then it looks like follows:
select * from table1, table2 where table1.1=table2.1
and no row is fetched despite of having data in the table(s).
it only works if the query looks like follows:
select * from table1,table2 where table1.rollno=table2.rollno
However, in that case it fetches all the rows but I need only the row of the rollno that user entered in the above mentioned form.
I am just not able to work this out. Help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Use the AND keyword to specify the rollno.
SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1.rollno = table2.rollno
AND table1.rollno = {$rollno};
You could probably use the keyword JOIN instead like this :
WHERE rollno = {$rollno};
You need joins
take a reference of joins from here,
i am sure it will help
You should use join like this
$query = "SELECT tbl1.*, tbl2.*
FROM tbl1
INNER JOIN tbl2 ON tbl1.id = tbl2.id
WHERE tbl1.column = value ";
foreach ($pieces_2 AS $value) {
$pieces_3[] ="(CONCAT_WS('|',$presql2) like '%$value%')"; //concat all columns from one table
$serch_jyouken = implode(" and ",$pieces_3); // for multiple keywords
$result1 = mysqli_query($connection, "select p.p_no from pfr_data p where (" .$serch_jyouken .")");
$res1 = array();
while($r1 = mysqli_fetch_array($result1){
$res1[] = $r1['p_no'] ; //fetch primary key from table and store it into array
foreach ($pieces_2 AS $value) {
$pieces_4[] ="(CONCAT_WS('|',$presql3) like '%$value%')"; // same as above
$serch_jyouken1 = implode(" and ",$pieces_4);
$result2 = mysqli_query($connection, "select p2.p_no from pfr_mod_inform p2 where (" .$serch_jyouken1 .")" );
$res2 = array();
while($r2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result2)){
$res2[] = $r2['p_no'];
$res_mrg = array_merge($res1 , $res2); //merge array
$result = implode("','",$res_mrg ); // array to sring
$sql5 = $presql ." from pfr_data p where p.p_no in ('$result') order by p.section_p,p.status,p.no";