I am working on a quiz system. Normally it uses jpeg images with each question. But a few of the quizzes instead feature animated .SWF files. I want to use jquery swfobject to call the play() method, once the user has clicked on an answer.
My solution works fine locally, but when I try to run it online, it throws the "Error calling method on NPObject!" message.
The quiz HTML is located on www.somedomain.com and the SWFs are on images.somedomain.com. So, I'm guessing this is a cross-domain thing.
Trouble for me is, I don't know anything about Flash... how to edit SWF files, anything about Flash attributes, or the like.
Here's an example of my code:
<div class="photos">
<object data="http://images.somedomain.com/q1tattooquiz.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="350">
<param name="movie" value="http://images.somedomain.com/q1tattooquiz.swf">
<param name="wmode" value="opaque">
And the javascript:
if (hasFlash) {
$('#question'+quesNum+' .photos').flash(function() { this.Play(); } );
It's pretty simple, and as I said, it works fine on my PC. But once uploaded, it errors out.
What can I add to my javascript to make these files work right?