I would like to add a custom key/value pair to the MANIFEST.MF of several existing jar files in my war project (those jars are not the project dependencies).
I already can pack/repack those jars using an ant task.
I read about "manifest" task, how can I apply that task to a fileset (if there is a way)? Thanks in advance.
This is my first answer at StackOverflow. Hope it suits you :)
I've done it like this:
<target name="xxx.modifyManifests">
<echo message="Modifying jar manifests to add trusted-library" />
<apply executable="jar">
<arg value="umf" />
<arg line="${xxx.resources}/manifest/custom_manifest.mf" />
<srcfile />
<fileset dir="${xxx.target}/applets" includes="*.jar" />
The call is a simple one using maven-antrun-plugin:
<property environment="windows" />
<property name="xxx.resources"
value="${project.build.directory}/../src/main/resources" />
<property name="xxx.target"
value="${project.build.directory}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}" />
<ant antfile="${basedir}/build.xml">
<target name="xxx.modifyManifests" />
And my custom_manifest.mf is like this:
Trusted-Only: true
Trusted-Library: true