Putting two backgrounds one after the other in obj

2019-07-20 21:07发布


Hi I am creating an iphone game

in my game layer, I have two identical background images but I want them to go one after the other.

Once the game animal (eg a penguin) crosses the first background, I want the first background to go after the second one-- becoming a continuous background until the game is over.

I have tried everything--- for loops, while loops and such but nothing seems to work

Does anyone have an idea for how I could go about doing this?

Thank you for any help you can provide me.

this is all I have so far after many different tries

- (id) init
    if((self = [super init]))
        for ( int x = 0; x < 10000000; ++x)
            CCSprite *bg = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"level1.png"];
            [bg setPosition:ccp(160,240)];
            ccTexParams params = {GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR, GL_REPEAT, GL_REPEAT};
            [bg.texture setTexParameters:&params];
            [self addChild:bg z:0];

            CCSprite *bg2 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"level1.png"];
            [bg2 setPosition:ccp(320,480)];
            ccTexParams param = {GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR, GL_REPEAT, GL_REPEAT};
            [bg2.texture setTexParameters:&param];
            [self addChild:bg z:0];


If the backgrounds are the identical you don't actually need 2 images, you can just set the texture rect position of the one and it will continuously move. If you call moveBackground on a timer or in the update method it will continually scroll.

    if((self=[super init]))
        background = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"background.png"]; 
        ccTexParams params = {GL_LINEAR,GL_LINEAR,GL_REPEAT,GL_REPEAT};
        [background.texture setTexParameters:&params];
        [self addChild:background z:0];

    // Scroll background 5 pixels to the left
    int speed = 5;
    background.textureRect = CGRectMake(background.textureRect.origin.x-speed, 