I have a project that compiled just fine in XCode 6 beta, but now, in the GM, it won't compile for an iOS device, giving the error:
myController.m:393:9: No visible @interface for 'UIDevice' declares the selector 'initialize:'
at this line:
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
It still compiles absolutely fine for the simulators; I've also tried these fixes:
- Cleaned the whole project and re-built.
- Deleted all Derived Data from ~/Library/Developer/XCode
- Re-installed XCode
- Checked XCode preferences and pointed Command Line Tools location to XCode 6 (XCode 5 is still installed on the machine and it was pointing there)
...but with no luck. Same error on compilation.
Help! We're on a tight timescale with iOS8 now approaching, and this is a real headache.
PS: We're also using Cocoapods in the workspace, for what it's worth.