
How to remove JPanel padding in MigLayout?

2019-07-20 21:39发布


Following situation: when I add a JLabel to a panel, i get unwanted padding/space. How can i remove it? See left side, i want it like the right side of the image shows.

here's my short test-code, that produces the output shown on the left side of the image above:

setLayout(new MigLayout("gapy 0, debug"));
JPanel line1 = new JPanel();
JPanel line2 = new JPanel();;
line1.add(new JLabel("Text 1"));
line2.add(new JLabel("Text 2"));
add(line1, "wrap, align left");


That happens because you add labels to JPanel which used FlowLayout with gaps as default. To fix that you can use next:

    JPanel line1 = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER,0,0));
    JPanel line2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());