I've followed this tutorial which outlines adding monitoring beacons in an Ionic 2 application. I have it working great: when the view loads, it initializes and begins listening for beacons:
ionViewDidLoad() {
this.platform.ready().then(() => {
this.beaconProvider.initialise().then((isInitialised) => {
if (isInitialised) {
This calls the listenToBeaconEvents
function which populates a list in the view with all of the beacons:
listenToBeaconEvents() {
this.events.subscribe(‘didRangeBeaconsInRegion’, (data) => {
// update the UI with the beacon list
this.zone.run(() => {
this.beacons = [];
let beaconList = data.beacons;
beaconList.forEach((beacon) => {
let beaconObject = new BeaconModel(beacon);
I'm able to stop ranging using this.beaconProvider.stopRanging()
that calls a function from the below function:
stopRanging() {
if (this.platform.is('cordova')) {
// stop ranging
() => {
console.log('Stopped Ranging');
error => {
console.error('Failed to stop monitoring: ', error);
The problem I'm having is this - in the original tutorial the beacon list is shown at the root, there's no other navigation. I've moved it to a different view, and if the user exits and re-enters the view, it re-initializes and loads everything, resulting in duplicate list entries.
I've tried creating a function within beacon-provider.ts to call before the view exits, but I can't figure out how to keep the subscriptions/events from duplicating.
I've tried this.delegate.didRangeBeaconsInRegion().unsubscribe()
, and some other variations but they all result in runtime errors.