Javascript Es6 default export

2019-07-20 21:14发布


I just want to double check since I am trying to do this ES6 export default:

var Member = function(){}
export {
    Member as default

JShint is error-ing out with this syntax (es6 enabled) but I thought it was valid. Is this really invalid or what is a valid way for writing a default export with the export syntax as

 export {

I was using this as reference: The example they gave was:

//------ module1.js ------
export default 123;
//------ module2.js ------
const D = 123;
export { D as default };

Why is this module2's 2nd line valid? (or is it?)


(As so often) this is is jshint's fault. The line is indeed valid, ES6 Export syntax does permit the use of any IdentifierName - which includes keywords such as default - for the exported name of an ExportClause.

I would however discourage from using it. Default exports are much easier to write and read in the export default notation, such as

var Member = function() {};
export default Member;
// or
export default function Member() {}

Admittedly export default Member; is not exactly equivalent to export { Member as default } but unless you are try to reassign it (you're not, right?) it doesn't make a difference.