I useing Magmi to import/export products, but when I visit my Magmi subfolder (www.mysite.com/magmi/web/magmi.php) is allways redirect me to my homepage. If I rename - delete - move - turn off the magento main folder .htaccess file I can access to my Magmi subfolder. Can somebody help me please how I can visit the Magmi subfolder without turning of the main .htaccess file?
Inside your Magento's .htaccess just after RewriteBase
line add this rule:
RewriteRule ^magmi/ - [L,NC]
This will skip Magento's rewrite handling for /magmi/
Add this to your .htaccess file in the magmi folder:
ErrorDocument 401 "Unauthorized Access"
This way, the browser will ask for a user/password, instead of 404'ing. (See https://serverfault.com/questions/55323/disable-mod-rewrite-for-subdirectory)
in my case, the magmi folder had the wrong permissions. Try setting 755 permission on magmi folder and subfolders