I am using the standard MVC template in VS2013 and have enabled external logins. It works fine, and I am now adding some features.
I find that AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfo
works fine in the ExternalLoginCallback action. However, if I have it anywhere else, it always returns null, even if the user is logged in. I did a test by adding the following in the Account controller:
public async Task<ActionResult> Test()
var loginInfo = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();
ViewBag.Provider = loginInfo.Login.LoginProvider;
return View();
The Account controller requires authorization but I added the Authorize attribute just to be doubly sure. I tried with both Twitter and Google accounts (user has to be successfully logged in to execute this code), GetExernalLoginInfo will always return null in the above method. I have only external accounts, and there are no accounts with local passwords so there is no chance that a local user was logged in by accident.
Why does it not work? Doesn't GetExternalLoginInfo derive the result from the cookies?
Edits: Applying the UseKentorOwinCookieSaver
patch from ASP.NET_SessionId + OWIN Cookies do not send to browser didn't help either.