How to specify x-axis in List when using Mathemati

2019-07-20 18:22发布


I have imported a csv file into a list with this stmt:

data1 = Take[Import["D:\\_reports\\optim_5_60_b_2.csv", "CSV"],   5]

Which gives:

{{178, 8, 9, 1}, {152, 2, 8, 1}, {378, 8, 9, 2},
 {343, 3, 7.5`, 2}, {143, 3, 7.5`, 1}}

I would like to create a plot where the x-axis is based on the first field:


And the plot creates a line for each subsequent field, so the 2nd field is:


This would be the first line on the y-axis, the other y-axis values would be plotted in the same manner. I would like the first y-plot to be plotted in red, and the second in blue, and the third in green.


And an alternative version:

data = {{178, 8, 9, 1}, {152, 2, 8, 1}, {378, 8, 9, 2},
   {343, 3, 7.5, 2}, {143, 3, 7.5, 1}};

x = data[[All, 1]];

  Sort[MapThread[Function[xpt, {xpt, #} & /@ #2][#1] &,
    {x, Rest /@ data}]]], PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue, Green},
 PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 10}, AxesOrigin -> {Min@x, Automatic}]

Similarly, but easier to read:

  Sort[Table[Map[{data[[i, 1]], #} &, Rest[data[[i]]]],
    {i, Length[data]}]]], PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue, Green},
 PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 10}, AxesOrigin -> {Min@x, Automatic}]


You can do :

data1 = {{178, 8, 9, 1}, {152, 2, 8, 1}, {378, 8, 9, 2}, {343, 3, 7.5,
2}, {143, 3, 7.5, 1}};

tobeplotted =  With[{LocalX = data1[[All, 1]]}, 
   Transpose[{LocalX, #}] & /@ Transpose[data1[[All, 2 ;;]]]]

ListPlot[tobeplotted, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue, Green},  PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 10}]


I propose this:

dat = {{178, 8, 9, 1}, {152, 2, 8, 1}, {378, 8, 9, 2},
       {343, 3, 7.5`, 2}, {143, 3, 7.5`, 1}};

 Thread[Thread@{#, {##2}} & @@@ Sort@dat],
 PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue, Green}