Since generator returns values lazily, how do I determine if the value returned from a generator is one-but-last? I spent like an hour on this and can't figure it out.
Any help appreciated. Is it even possible??
Thanks, Boda Cydo!
Since generator returns values lazily, how do I determine if the value returned from a generator is one-but-last? I spent like an hour on this and can't figure it out.
Any help appreciated. Is it even possible??
Thanks, Boda Cydo!
You can wrap the generator in a generator that generates a sequence of pairs whose first element is a boolean telling you whether the element is the last-but-one:
def ending(generator):
z2 =
z1 =
for x in generator:
yield (False, z2)
z2, z1 = z1, x
yield (True, z2)
yield (False, z1)
Let's test it on a simple iterator:
>>> g = iter('abcd')
>>> g
<iterator object at 0x9925b0>
You should get:
>>> for is_last_but_one, char in ending(g):
... if is_last_but_one:
... print "The last but one is", char
The last but one is c
Too see what's happening under the hood:
>>> g = iter('abcd')
>>> for x in ending(g):
... print x
(False, 'a')
(False, 'b')
(True, 'c')
(False, 'd')
If you want to see arbitrary future values of an iterator without consuming them, you can wrap the iterator in a 'peekable' iterator, that can buffer future values.
import collections
class PeekIter(object):
def __init__(self, iterable):
self._iter = iter(iterable)
self._peekbuf = collections.deque()
def next(self):
if self._peekbuf:
return self._peekbuf.popleft()
def peek(self, future=0, default=None):
while len(self._peekbuf) <= future:
return self._peekbuf[future]
except StopIteration:
return default
Then, you can peek at future values without consuming them.
>>> p = PeekIter(range(3))
>>> p.peek()
>>> p.peek(0)
>>> p.peek(0)
>>> p.peek(1)
>>> p.peek(2)
>>> sentinel = object()
>>> sentinel
<object object at 0x28470>
>>> p.peek(1, sentinel)
>>> p.peek(2, sentinel)
<object object at 0x28470>
An itertools-based solution
from itertools import tee, islice, repeat, chain, izip
def gen_with_offset(gen, offset):
gen1, gen2 = tee(gen)
gen2 = (False for x in gen2)
gen2 = chain(islice(gen2, offset, None), [True], repeat(False))
for g, sentinel in izip(gen1, gen2):
yield g, sentinel
>>> gex = iter('abcedefg')
>>> for p in gen_with_offset(gex, 4):
... print p
('a', False)
('b', False)
('c', False)
('e', False)
('d', True)
('e', False)
('f', False)
('g', False)