I want to reduce the decimal length
text1.text = 2137.2198231578
From the above, i want to show only first 2 digit decimal number
Expected Output
text1.text = 2137.21
How to do this.
I want to reduce the decimal length
text1.text = 2137.2198231578
From the above, i want to show only first 2 digit decimal number
Expected Output
text1.text = 2137.21
How to do this.
Format("2137.2198231578", "####.##")
I was about to post use Format()
when I noticed p0rter comment.
Format(text1.text, "000.00")
I guess Int()
will round down for you.
Been many years since I used VB6...
This function should do what you want (inline comments should explain what is happening):
Private Function FormatDecimals(ByVal Number As Double, ByVal DecimalPlaces As Integer) As String
Dim NumberString As String
Dim DecimalLocation As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim LeftHandSide As String
Dim RightHandSide As String
'convert the number to a string
NumberString = CStr(Number)
'find the decimal point
DecimalLocation = InStr(1, NumberString, ".")
'check to see if the decimal point was found
If DecimalLocation = 0 Then
'return the number if no decimal places required
If DecimalPlaces = 0 Then
FormatDecimals = NumberString
Exit Function
End If
'not a floating point number so add on the required number of zeros
NumberString = NumberString & "."
For i = 0 To DecimalPlaces
NumberString = NumberString & "0"
FormatDecimals = NumberString
Exit Function
'decimal point found
'split out the string based on the location of the decimal point
LeftHandSide = Mid(NumberString, 1, DecimalLocation - 1)
RightHandSide = Mid(NumberString, DecimalLocation + 1)
'if we don't want any decimal places just return the left hand side
If DecimalPlaces = 0 Then
FormatDecimals = LeftHandSide
Exit Function
End If
'make sure the right hand side if the required length
Do Until Len(RightHandSide) >= DecimalPlaces
RightHandSide = RightHandSide & "0"
'strip off any extra didgits that we dont want
RightHandSide = Left(RightHandSide, DecimalPlaces)
'return the new value
FormatDecimals = LeftHandSide & "." & RightHandSide
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Debug.Print FormatDecimals(2137.2198231578, 2) 'outputs 2137.21
Looks fairly simple, but I must be missing something subtle here. What about:
Option Explicit
Private Function Fmt2Places(ByVal Value As Double) As String
Fmt2Places = Format$(Fix(Value * 100#) / 100#, "0.00")
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = Fmt2Places(2137.2198231578)
End Sub
This also works in locales where the decimal point character is a comma.