In a Spring 3 app a controller is calling a JpaCollectorManager with calls a JpaCollectorInfoDao to get a list which is defined by a nativequery. The query calls 2 seperate tables which uses sql and jpql because I need to use a postgresql feature not implemented in jpql. When the controller tries to file the list I get the following error message:
Exception [EclipseLink-6007] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.1.2.v20101206-r8635): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException Exception Description: Missing descriptor for [CollectorInfo].
Query: ReadAllQuery(referenceClass=CollectorInfo sql="select distinct ON ( col.collector_id,pst.process_source_type ) col.*,pst.process_source_timestamp,pst.process_source_type from perform_schema.collector col join perform_schema.process_set pst on pst.collector_id = col.collector_id order by col.collector_id, pst.process_source_type,pst.process_source_timestamp desc ")
The controller Java has the following call:
List<CollectorInfo> ps = this.collectorInfoManager.getLatestCollectorInfo();
The has this:
public List<CollectorInfo> getLatestCollectorInfo()
return collectorInfoDao.getLatestCollectorInfo();
public List<CollectorInfo> getLatestCollectorInfo() {
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery( ( "select distinct ON ( col.collector_id," +
"pst.process_source_type ) " +
"col.*," +
"pst.process_source_timestamp," +
"pst.process_source_type " +
"from perform_schema.collector col " +
"join perform_schema.process_set pst " +
"on pst.collector_id = col.collector_id " +
"order by col.collector_id, " +
"pst.process_source_type," +
"pst.process_source_timestamp desc " ),
CollectorInfo.class );
return ( (List<CollectorInfo>) query.getResultList() );
The CollectorInfo class does not have an @Entity defined. If I set the @Entity defined then it tells me that the Table cannot be resolved (which is correct since the there is no actual table). I have tried all sorts of permutations and cannot seem to make this needle thread.