What maven plugin can be used to have the appengine-web.xml
application generated based on the maven profile run, for example -Pdev
or -Pprod
<appengine-web-app xmlns="http://appengine.google.com/ns/1.0">
For a -Pdev
, and when the profile is -Pprod
The application name would be: <application>myapp-prod</application>
I use the Maven Replacer plugin and use it to replace a given String -VERSION- in my appengine-web.xml. This way I get multiple settings on Jenkins (using push to deploy) to deploy on different versions with the same code.
It's not really fancy but gets the job done.
You can use maven-war-plugin to change version and name of your application
On appengine-web.xml, write below lines
And this is maven plugin you need
<!-- Exclude all timestamp specific static files. (see maven-resource-plugin in this pom.xml) -->
And maven profiles