excluse if this is a duplicate, although I did not find the answer so far.
I have an application that creates nodes and relationships via cypher statement against the REST-API. I create relationships with the below code:
public URI createRelationship(GraphNodeTypes sourceType, URI sourceNode,
GraphNodeTypes targetType, URI targetNode,
GraphRelationshipTypes relationshipType, String[] jsonAttributes) {
URI relationShipLocation = null;
String cypherArt = getNodeIdFromLocation(sourceNode)+"-[:"+relationshipType+"]->"+getNodeIdFromLocation(targetNode);
logger.info("creating relationship ({}:{}) -[:{}]-> ({}:{})",
try {
URI finalUrl = new URI( sourceNode.toString() + "/relationships" );
String cypherStatement = generateJsonRelationship( targetNode,
jsonAttributes );
logger.trace("sending CREATE RELATIONSHIP cypher as {} to endpoint {}", cypherStatement, finalUrl);
WebResource resource = Client.create().resource( finalUrl );
ClientResponse response = resource
.accept( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
.type( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
.entity( cypherStatement )
.post( ClientResponse.class );
String responseEntity = response.getEntity(String.class).toString();
int responseStatus = response.getStatus();
logger.trace("POST to {} returned status code {}, returned data: {}",
finalUrl, responseStatus,
// first check if the http code was ok
HttpStatusCodes httpStatusCodes = HttpStatusCodes.getHttpStatusCode(responseStatus);
if (!httpStatusCodes.isOk()){
if (httpStatusCodes == HttpStatusCodes.FORBIDDEN){
} else {
logger.error("Error {} sending data to {}: {} ", response.getStatus(), finalUrl, HttpErrorMessages.getHttpErrorText(httpStatusCodes.getErrorCode()));
} else {
JSONParser reponseParser = new JSONParser();
Object responseObj = reponseParser.parse(responseEntity);
JSONObject jsonResponseObj = responseObj instanceof JSONObject ?(JSONObject) responseObj : null;
if(jsonResponseObj == null)
throw new ParseException(0, "returned json object is null");
//logger.trace("returned response object is {}", jsonResponseObj.toString());
try {
relationShipLocation = new URI((String)((JSONObject)((JSONArray)((JSONObject)((JSONArray)((JSONObject)((JSONArray)jsonResponseObj.get("results")).get(0)).get("data")).get(0)).get("rest")).get(0)).get("self"));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.warn("CREATE RELATIONSHIP statement did not return a self object, returning null -- error was {}", e.getMessage());
relationShipLocation = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("could not create relationship ");
return relationShipLocation;
private static String generateJsonRelationship( URI endNode,
GraphRelationshipTypes relationshipType, String[] jsonAttributes ) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append( "{ \"to\" : \"" );
sb.append( endNode.toString() );
sb.append( "\", " );
sb.append( "\"type\" : \"" );
sb.append( relationshipType.toString() );
if ( jsonAttributes == null || jsonAttributes.length < 1 ){
sb.append( "\"" );
} else {
sb.append( "\", \"data\" : " );
for ( int i = 0; i < jsonAttributes.length; i++ ) {
sb.append( jsonAttributes[i] );
if ( i < jsonAttributes.length - 1 ){
// Miss off the final comma
sb.append( ", " );
sb.append( " }" );
return sb.toString();
My problem is that I would like to check if a given relationship of given type already exists between two nodes PRIOR creating it.
Can someone tell me, how to query for a relationship???
With nodes I do a MATCH like this:
MATCH cypher {"statements": [ {"statement": "MATCH (p:SOCIALNETWORK {sn_id: 'TW'} ) RETURN p", "resultDataContents":["REST"]} ] }
against the endpoint
How would I construct the statement to check for a relationship, say between node 6 and 5 or whatever?
Thanks in advance,