Can pygame events be handled in inpu

2019-07-20 11:30发布


The documentation for python's says:

Note that on Windows, it only works for sockets; on other operating systems, it also works for other file types (in particular, on Unix, it works on pipes).

My group is developing a simplistic multiplayer game using pygame and sockets. (We are not using Twisted or zeromq or any similar libraries; this being the only constraint).

Now, for the game design; we want the player to send data to the server when a key event occurs in the pygame screen. The client/player side's socket will otherwise be hooked to server and listen for changes occurring on other players' side. For this task, I'd need the pygame and socket to work parallely. I was recommended to use select module from several users on #python.

Can I do something like:

inp = [self.sock, pygame.event.get]
out = [self.server]
i, o, x = inp, out, [] )

If not, what should be the way to go?


You could use threads for this task. Is it necessary to process server messages and pygame events in series (not concurrently)? If so, you could do this:

class SocketListener(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, sock, queue):
         self.daemon = True
         self.socket = sock
         self.queue = queue
    def run(self):
         while True:
             msg = self.socket.recv()
class PygameHandler(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, queue):
         self.queue = queue
         self.daemon = True
    def run(self):
         while True:
queue = Queue.Queue()
while True:
    event = queue.get()
    """Process the event()"""

If not, you could process the events inside the run methods of the PygameHandler and SocketListener classes.