How can I convert 20110114 (YYYYMMDD) to week, eg WK02-11, in excel ?
How can I convert 20110114 (YYYYMMDD) to week, eg WK02-11, in excel ?
First convert the number in a date. Supposing your number is in A1 cell
=DATE(LEFT(A1;4); MID(A1;5;2); RIGHT(A1;2)
Then use WEEKNUM
=WEEKNUM(DATE(LEFT(A1;4); MID(A1;5;2); RIGHT(A1;2), 2)
(gives 3)
Then, if you want, you could embellish the result:
="WEEK-" & WEEKNUM(DATE(LEFT(A1;2); MID(A1;5;2); RIGHT(A1;2), 2) & "-" & LEFT(A1;4)