I am currently using chartTV to create a chart but my chart doesn't seem to appear inside my blade for some reason, the title can be seen but not the graph. I want to create an areaspline chart where it will show number of people hired and not hired this week. I tried doing something like this but it not working. Can someone guide me in doing it correctly? How should I do it?
My dashboardController:
$user1s = DB::table('evaluations')
->select('evaluations.Evaluation_Status','evaluations.created_at' )
->where('Evaluation_Status', '=', 'No')
$user2s = DB::table('evaluations')
->select('evaluations.Evaluation_Status','evaluations.created_at' )
->where('evaluations.Evaluation_Status', '=', 'Yes')
Charts::Database($user1s, $user2s, 'areaspline', 'highcharts')
->title('My nice chart')
->labels(['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday','Saturday', 'Sunday'])
->dataset('Hired', [$user1s])
->dataset('Not Hired', [$user2s]);
return view('dashboard', ['chart' => $chart]);
My dashboard.blade.php
{!! Charts::assets() !!}
{!! $chart->render() !!}