I'm a little bit confused about organizing Rails applications and mountable engine in production.
I have N apps, which are using 1 mountable engine (it sets some cookies for apps).
In development it works this way.
|— app1
|— app2
|— my_engine
In apps Gemfile:
gem 'my_engine', path: "../my_engine"
So all of the apps are mounting it from 1 source.
And I'd like to keep this logic in production.
On my vps apps organized this way (using Capistrano for deploy):
|— — app1
|— — — current (sym link)
|— — — releases
|— — — shared
|— — app2
|— — — current (sym link)
|— — — releases
|— — — shared
|— git
|— — app1.git
|— — app2.git
Can you describe me workflow: how to deploy my_engine to my production and connect it to all of the apps on the server. Thanks.