Submitting a form from elm code

2019-07-20 09:17发布


I have this frameset division:

<frameset cols="*,200">
<frame name="main" src="/main.html">
<frame name="sidebar" src="/sidebar">

And this is my elm logic is inside main.html:

import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
      Html.form [method "POST", action "/sidebar", target "sidebar" ]
  [ input [ type_ "text" ,placeholder "user"] [],
  input [ type_ "password", placeholder "password"] [],
  input [ type_ "submit" ,value "Submit"] []

I want to invoke the form submission from my code.

How can I trigger the submission of the form from elm ?


This is what I came up with, pretty ugly:

submit2frame frm = attribute "onclick" ("" ++ frm ++ ";this.form.action=\"/" ++ frm ++ "\";this.form.submit();")